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Code of Conduct and Ethical guidelines

In BAMA, our Ethical guidelines / Code of Conduct guide our work. Read more below.

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Code of Conduct and Ethical guidelines

BAMA has an important social responsibility, and we must act responsibly towards each other as employees, as a company and in our relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. We have correspondingly high expectations for ourselves as we do for our business partners!

Code of Conduct for own employees  

Everyone who works in BAMA must follow our Ethical guidelines / Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Together with our Vision and our Values, the Code provides us guidance and support in order to make it easier to make the right decisions and act as a unified organization. 

If you are in doubt about what to do - seek guidance and ask for advice! See more information in the Code below, last updated in 2024: 


Possible misconduct or breaches of our Code can be reported here: SPEAK UP 

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners 

We conduct our business in a responsible and transparent manner, in close dialogue with our partners and with honesty and mutual respect in all relationships. BAMA sees cooperation as a prerequisite for responsible business practices, and as crucial to being able to achieve the UN's sustainability goals. 

All our suppliers must commit to follow the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners. This work is followed up through regular audits and supplier dialogues. 

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners is available in three languages ​​and were last updated in 2024: